Monday, October 14, 2024

Star Wars: Thought & Thinking

 "Star Wars" ... 

He began saying ...

Since my participation in Gyana Mugham, I have attained certain clarity and this also brought me an experience which I was able to see my thoughts and choose the thoughts I want to take on and leave the ones that I see as not useful or just sheer waste of time. I was able to travel with thoughts but lately this experience has faded away.

What has happened?

It sounded like a scene from Star Wars movie, where the space ship travel with the speed of light and the captain remains calm in the ship, no matter what velocity or mass changes the ship experiences.

What has happened to this person?

Nothing special has happened to him and that was the problem.

And nothing special is necessary for enlightenment.

What he has experienced is the clarity of mind, enlightenment as the way of Bhagavath Ayya's teaching says, and at times, some experiences may follow suit together with that clarity.

Especially for long time seekers, they will attain a feeling of complete rest or relaxation.

Peace of mind from agony, running around seeking endlessly without knowing what it is.

And just as we think the story is about to end... hmm ... a coma. How is it that nothing changed?

The story has to carry on. Stories must start with new sentences and paragraphs, that is how stories are meant to be written until the last sentence of the final chapter.

We see, The End.

Until then, full stops are not really a complete stop but an aid to comma. They are both in flow, helping each other on this journey called life.

The working of both thought and thinking is what was shared with this person by the teachers during Gyana Mugam and with some clarity, he learnt how to use thought and thinking quite willfully.

He tasted freedom to choose thoughts and participate in selecting thoughts by the way of thinking for some useful activity.

And he was able to apply this successfully and was able to experience some form of freedom. Initially, it was all about excitement of discovering something new. However, after several months, he must have become good at it and almost feels like a norm. Thus, the experience of new discovery fades away.

That is how it is supposed to be isn't it? All experiences are transitory.

But his understanding about thought and thinking will remain the same. Until and unless he refute his understanding and start believing into something else which is contradictory to his understanding. Until then his understanding remains the same. Experiences change, clarity remains.

Thoughts - thought - thinking

Flow - choose and flow again

Star Wars: Thought & Thinking

 "Star Wars" ...  He began saying ... Since my participation in Gyana Mugham, I have attained certain clarity and this also brough...