Monday, October 14, 2024

Star Wars: Thought & Thinking

 "Star Wars" ... 

He began saying ...

Since my participation in Gyana Mugham, I have attained certain clarity and this also brought me an experience which I was able to see my thoughts and choose the thoughts I want to take on and leave the ones that I see as not useful or just sheer waste of time. I was able to travel with thoughts but lately this experience has faded away.

What has happened?

It sounded like a scene from Star Wars movie, where the space ship travel with the speed of light and the captain remains calm in the ship, no matter what velocity or mass changes the ship experiences.

What has happened to this person?

Nothing special has happened to him and that was the problem.

And nothing special is necessary for enlightenment.

What he has experienced is the clarity of mind, enlightenment as the way of Bhagavath Ayya's teaching says, and at times, some experiences may follow suit together with that clarity.

Especially for long time seekers, they will attain a feeling of complete rest or relaxation.

Peace of mind from agony, running around seeking endlessly without knowing what it is.

And just as we think the story is about to end... hmm ... a coma. How is it that nothing changed?

The story has to carry on. Stories must start with new sentences and paragraphs, that is how stories are meant to be written until the last sentence of the final chapter.

We see, The End.

Until then, full stops are not really a complete stop but an aid to comma. They are both in flow, helping each other on this journey called life.

The working of both thought and thinking is what was shared with this person by the teachers during Gyana Mugam and with some clarity, he learnt how to use thought and thinking quite willfully.

He tasted freedom to choose thoughts and participate in selecting thoughts by the way of thinking for some useful activity.

And he was able to apply this successfully and was able to experience some form of freedom. Initially, it was all about excitement of discovering something new. However, after several months, he must have become good at it and almost feels like a norm. Thus, the experience of new discovery fades away.

That is how it is supposed to be isn't it? All experiences are transitory.

But his understanding about thought and thinking will remain the same. Until and unless he refute his understanding and start believing into something else which is contradictory to his understanding. Until then his understanding remains the same. Experiences change, clarity remains.

Thoughts - thought - thinking

Flow - choose and flow again

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Creating the Life of Dreams!

He was a spiritual seeker, 

I guess, he must be seeking for some good many years as his face carries such look we often see on seekers. 

You know that look......

A very serious looking kind of appearance that usually scares me! Since it reminds me of my own seeking days.

He went on explaining to me " about " Sat-Chit-Ananda and A state called Sat-Chit-Ananda After he has finished explaining and I guess it's my turn to say something....... Are you in this state now, Sir? While you were explaining to me this whole thing about Sat-Chit-Ananda? Sorry, were you? Or are you that now? ðŸ˜Š 

He looked at me as though it was a strange question. I took a sip coffee! He did as well. 


Sat-Chit-Ananda is said to be the very nature of Brahman. Scriptures with its own authority announces this declaration to the seekers of Truth. And Scriptures also declares All is Brahman. Now, can any one of us verify this? Nope Scripture's authoritative declaration. This statement given by scriptures is not meant for the seekers to discuss but rather to accept it in totality as Truth. Scripture's Authority! Not, my authority or yours, you and I have no capacity to verify Brahman's quality hence, nothing to say about it. 

No personal description is valid or necessary. Brahman is Not within our ' Empirical knowledge'. Which means, Brahman cannot be brought down to our sensing capacity. That which unlimited cannot be brought to some kind of confinement of limits. Can it be inferred? Of course, anything can be inferred, anyhow but Inference relies on our mentation to think, isn't it? 

Our thoughts are limited as well! So, why this statement? It meant to be used as a device. The scripture's Authority in giving us this statement is meant to be an indicative suggestion for our mind to give up its struggle in becoming For our psychological surrender To know within us we are already all that there is and any suggestion otherwise is due our thinking, The basis of our suffering is thoughts and thinking so that we could put away with all psychological games that we play and do in order to arrive at some place higher. 

To end our suffering. We are already that, and any wrong notion to think otherwise is to stray away from our embedded Sat-Chit-Ananda. Suppose subsequently the seeker was to ask the next question, but Master, my experience doesn't support this as I don't experience this, I am often feeling certain way that doesn't make me feel happy and contented. The Guru will together with the seeker thereon will set out to enquire of the nature of experiences, mind stuff and other stuff with ultimate arrival point of realizing we ought not to do anything, and we are already that. And the scriptures with its Authority, look at the seeker again and says, told you so...... A confirmation! Seeking stops! All experiences come and goes with free flow. Sat-Chit-Ananda!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Brahma Worship?

 Brahma Temple?

In Hindu Concept, the Trimurti's are considered a unique representation of GOD's functionality. Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.

Yet, why there are no worship for Brahma?

Thinking along this line, I have seen people worship Brahma in places like Thailand and Indonesia, but this is not the case in India. I recalled a story I heard when I was a kid. that Brahma had lied to Shiva and was cursed not to be worshiped. or something like that.

Lying is always not good, wasn't it so?

Perhaps, Shiva wants us to know, if you have not touched his feet yet (Surrender) then don't pretend and make the claim otherwise, yeah?

We are born into this world without our doership. We are part of this creative force; we are by nature called into the flow of life. No doership was required from us. We have no clue why we arrived here, but we know how biologically we are born into this world. But still not doership (Action) required by our self's, correct?

All happens, quite naturally and we are part of that Nature. We are in creation. No doership is needed. But, in order to continue our life, and living, we would need to apply our personal doership.

Physiologically or physically, thinking and action from a personal level is a must.

In order to pray, the 'you' is needed. Doership is a must for us to preserve in life and living. We pray, we craft our life and living accordingly.

In creation, we are one, no prayers needed. 

So, no temple's for Brahma. Perhaps, this could be the reason, yes?

Friday, March 29, 2024

Never mind the Mind

 Never mind the Mind...

This is something that I came across in sayings of Ramana Maharshi.

Ramana Maharshi, was a renowned sage, resided in Tiruvannamalai until he attained Maha samadhi in 1960's. Anyone, who felt lost, confused and searched for answers of life, would have had a glimpse of this great sage at least once during their search.

Interestingly, this makes up our short discussion for today. Whenever we attempt to describe or understand ourselves, we will always use the term, our mind, our body and our spirit quite often.

This itself, shows that we are attempting to keep ourselves apart from the mind and we view the mind as either a source of misery or a source of great power. 

But are we truly not the mind? Our mind, our emotions, our self are truly one and only.  We function only as the three in totality and not separately. Yet, why is it that we attempt to see mind as separate? What is it making us attempt this? The feeling of suffocation, struggle, and a deep sense of longing and searching.

But, in fact, it is the mind itself who is creating the need and the mind alone attempt for separation.

Well, never mind the Mind. Let's just allow ourselves to be us. How? Don't judge, just be. Let both good and bad, mind and heart flow.

Was it so simple? Never mind :-)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Born Again: Decoded


Born Again: Decoded


“Verily I say unto Thee, unless one is born again into water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of god.”  John 3:3-7


In our search for ever lasting peace, happiness, and bliss, we would have come across phrases or concepts that says that one should die and be born again to achieve the final stage. Many Enlightened Guru’s emphasize that one should die to be ‘Enlightened’. We also came across references that ‘to die’ is meant in a literal way where one should give up his/her sins, identity, mind, fear and instantly they are reborn. There are ancient stories that tells tales of disciple jumping from a cliff or into fire only to be rescued by the invincible hands of the Guru.

How then should one attempt to die? How would it be possible for us to enter the Kingdom of everlasting peace?


Before we can decipher the code, we need to take a moment to understand about Identity. What is Identity? If someone were to ask you this: You will refer yourself to your name, place of residence, religious beliefs, your likes, or dislikes. Identity is something that was added to everyone upon birth. From a person’s name to a person’s belief, Identity is formed over time, changes over time and gets solidified over time. While scriptures may claim that we are the soul and not the body, from an identity perspective, we cannot simply have a different sense of soul, mind or body. Our identity is a collective function of all elements.


# I am not the body – This is the first and foremost incorrect assumption that leads to a circle of searching. Despite claims that, ‘we’ do not exist in sleep, hence we are not the body, our reality functions collectively during our awakening state. The fact remains that the body is real during sleep and while the ‘mind’ which drives identity is in a sleep state. ‘My’ identity is true to my day-to-day experiences and functions. Leaving all concepts and ideas behind, let us first accept what is real to us. Let us acknowledge our identity first before making any attempt to ‘kill’ it. Gautama Buddha was fasting continuously until a conversation by someone adjusting the strings of a musical instrument took him to his realization of the middle path. The body is part of our existence and should not be brushed away as ‘not real’ or ‘maya’.


# I am not the mind – When I say, ‘I am not the mind’, who then is making this claim? Can we exist outside the mind? Can we think without the mind? Again, the concept states that we are pure consciousness, awareness and beyond the mind. That we are in fact a silent witness. The ‘Observer.’ But can we truly observe without the mind? Can we think without the mind? Definitely not! The actual interpretation should be to see with the mind but without judging. Seeing as it is without getting distracted or without imposing our own thoughts and belief. The mind is the ‘Observer.’ But absence of judgement makes your seeing as unbiased. Let’s take an example: If someone gives you an orange, what do you see? We would have seen an orange almost quite often at supermarkets, restaurants at home and may not trigger anything in specific. An orange is an orange. Either you like to eat oranges, or you don’t.  But, if we take a moment to see an orange as it is, we will see an orange, its texture, its fragrance, we will see the orange from a holistic view. We will be able to see the Tree that exists before the Orange, the soil that nurtured the Tree, The Sun, The farmer, the wind, the very existence of Orange itself. No prejudice, no

judgement, but a complete seeing and understanding. Instead of developing a sense of liking, we will be more appreciative and respectful for even an orange’s existence. This is what ‘Observation’ is.


# I am pure conscious – The ‘I am’ can take many shapes and believes. But if, we can, for a moment, drop our identity and start seeing ‘as it is’, there can be no distinctive difference between any molecular existence in the universe.

Imagine the collective ‘identity’ now just drops and seeing ‘It’ as existing within a cosmic space. Reality is this: Along with our identity, we have picked up numerous unwanted thoughts, experiences and beliefs that has created a gap between ‘I am’ and ‘It”.


## Reborn – simply means going back to our original state. A state when ‘Identity’ has not existed. Can we drop our collective Identity for a moment? Probably not. But can we initiate a state without Identity? Yes, we can. Because state without identity is happening to us naturally. We simply need to be able to see to recognize this state. The kingdom of God or Enlightened state is embedded in our very existence itself. Both are not thousands of miles apart from us that it is impossible for us to attain. Because there is nothing to attain when we are already existing within the attainment. A simple illustration of how a man can dream of touching the sky or the space. But how can a man do that? Take a rocket? Build a tower? If we really think deep, man is already in space. The earth is already orbiting the space. There is simply no need for man to touch the space or sky as he is already within the space. The illusion is simply the limit of sight, clouds, atmosphere, etc.


Let’s think about this for Now.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Nishati: Re-Invent the Self

We have never ceased to seek. Through the ages, Mankind was seen searching for something... a meaning... a purpose... the very answer to the question of existence itself.
Religion offers unique perspective into seeking itself. Almost all religious belief agrees that a person must be re-born to allow himself to finally get what he seeks.
The 'What' itself is vague... some call it kingdom of heaven... other call it as enlightenment... some describes it as Nirvana... 
While the name differs, we can conclude that the 'What' is not clear as attempts to describe it is quite vague and filled with awe inspired, out of the world, beyond the mind, concepts. Yet, we all agree that we need to achieve it to conclude our seeking or search.

This brings us to our title, Re-Invent the Self. Why do we need to re-invent the self? What do we mean by re-inventing? How is this relevant to our current state of living?

While we struggle both professionally and personally, we are but a collective conditioning, from birth until our present and well into our future. When a child is born, the first distinct conditioning starts from name, religious beliefs, concepts of society, concepts of fear, and the list goes on. We have been uniquely designed to follow a systemic approach to living. Start schooling from 5 years old, complete high school diploma or degree, be in a well-paying job, get married and have children, enjoy life by taking a vacation once or twice a year, seek comfort in words of wisdom, and when we feel lost, continue seeking for fulfilment.

This is where, Nishati comes in. We have been taught that we possess immerse energy or God exists within us. WE are capable of designing and shaping our own life and fate. But what we do not know is the 'HOW'. How can we tap into our inner energy to have the power to design our own lives?

Nishati: Reinvent the Self is an approach brought together by years of searching, seeking and understanding what our beliefs are and what fulfilment is. The Buddha mentioned that 'you are already that which you seek'. Nishati applies simple day to day techniques and correct understanding to redesign our views and help us understand and approach life in a practical manner.

Stay Tuned for further Updates! 

Star Wars: Thought & Thinking

 "Star Wars" ...  He began saying ... Since my participation in Gyana Mugham, I have attained certain clarity and this also brough...